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News | 14.01.2022

POWERPOOR 1st EU Webinar


The first EU webinar is here! Will you join us?


The POWERPOOR trainings of Energy Supporters and Mentors are crossing new borders and going beyond the eight most impacted by energy poverty EU countries.
As of 2022, Housing Europe, ICLEI and the European Crowdfunding Network are mobilising the international community.
Five EU training webinars will be held. The first one is scheduled for the 4th of February 2022 (Friday) from 11:00 to 13:00 CET followed by a little lunch break and continuing from 14:00 to 16:30 CET. The content will be the same in all the webinars and you can join in a following date, but the sooner we start, the more time we have to make a real impact!

Register Here 

In only 4,5 hours, social and affordable housing providers, municipalities, health and social workers, representatives from the academia and anyone who wants to be engaged in tackling the phenomenon can join the free course and learn about what being energy poor actually is, how can we recognise it, and how can we tackle it effectively, leveraging innovative financing schemes and energy communities.
After the online training, which will be held in English, the participants will be called to take a 15 minute test to become a certified POWERPOOR Energy Supporter and Mentor. From this moment on, you will be part of our ever-growing movement joining a community of 400+ POWERPOOR certified Energy Supporters and Mentors, working on the ground, enabling change and mitigating energy poverty in their regions.


All times are in Central European Time (CET).

11:00 - 11:05

Welcome & introduction

Sorcha Edwards, Housing Europe Secretary-General

11:05 - 12:00

Part I - Understanding the phenomenon of Energy Poverty, concepts, and policies at national and European level

Housing Europe, Alice Pittini – Research Director at Housing Europe

  • The POWERPOOR project- approach and objectives
  • The role of Energy Supporters and Mentors

12:00 - 13:00

Part II - The POWERPOOR toolkit

NTUA, Eleni Kanellou, POWERPOOR Coordinator and PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

  • The POWER-TARGET and POWER-ACT tools. Detailed presentation and examples of their use

13:00 - 13:45


13:45 - 14:30

Part III - From theory to practice. Good practices and case studies

Housing Europe, Edit Lakatos, Policy Officer at Housing Europe

  • Energy-saving measures, behavioural changes, visits to vulnerable households

14:30 - 15:30

Part IV - Energy communities and innovative financing schemes to tackle energy poverty

Europeаn Crowdfunding Network (ECN), Andrea Bogi, Senior Research & Project Manager 

Goiener (Renewable Energy Cooperative in Spain), Aitor Ossa Rissanen, Project Manager

  • Methodology, good practices, advantages, and challenges
  • The POWER-FUND tool

15:30 - 16:15 

Part V - The role of local authorities in tackling energy poverty

ICLEI, Alis Daniela Torres, Officer Sustainable Resources, Climate & Resilience

ICLEI, Arthur Hinsch, Officer Climate Policy & Energy Governance

  • Energy poverty in the SECAPs and how to address the phenomenon in local energy planning
  • Energy Poverty Alleviation Offices in municipalities. POWERPOOR as a supporting tool for local authorities

16:15 - 16:20 

Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH), Dora Biondani

EPAH's call for technical assistance - all you need to know

16:20 - 16:30 

Questions, answers, and what follows next?

Housing Europe, Diana Yordanova, Communications Director

NTUA, Eleni Kanellou, POWERPOOR Coordinator and PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

Join us on the 4th of February!