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Synergies | 25.01.2024

Collaborative briefing: Are renewable energy communities a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis and lift people out of energy poverty?


 While the energy crisis impacts can still be felt across Europe with devastating consequences, emergency as well as long-lasting solutions are investigated. In a unique collaboration, 10 EU-funded projects have gathered to produce a comprehensive briefing including recommendations for various stakeholders, on how could renewable energy communities be a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis and lift people out of energy poverty.

Realising there was much to share on the topic, and the research they had done in the previous years could benefit a variety of stakeholders, including policymakers who could use its inputs and examples to draft future EU, national and local policies, BECoop, CEES, POWERPOOR, eCREW, W4RES, UP-STAIRS, COME RES, EC2, NRG2PEERS and Sun4All prepared a comprehensive briefing.

The ten projects are working on the topics of energy communities and/or energy poverty and looked together at how the two topics actually relate. The briefing provides some answers and policy recommendations to the question: “Can renewable energy communities be leveraged as a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis, with the ability to lift people out of energy poverty? If so, how and under which conditions?”.

Download the briefing here
