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Our partner EUROCROWD is pleased to announce the PowerPoor Brokerage Event, taking place on 30 November 2022 in their premises in Rue Montoyer 24, Brussels.
Energy crises, energy poverty, and sustainable energy production are key political issues today. For many years European experts have been working on innovative solutions and support mechanisms for European citizens. In the current economic and geopolitical climate, we will revisit and discuss existing solutions and opportunities developed with the help of the European Union.
Checkout the speakers and agenda here
If you are interested to see what can be done in the field of #EnergyPoverty alleviation and how innovative financing can tackle the energy crisis, come and discover the different initiatives and be inspired by success stories. Do not miss this chance and discover:
- How Europe is providing solutions to the current energy challenges
- How to bring energy poverty projects into local actions
- The importance of boosting citizen participation in the renewable energy development
- Future opportunities to achieve the energy transition
Join us in Brussels: Registration to Providing solutions to energy challenges - PowerPoor Brokerage Event is available now.
Join us and learn from and exchange with experts across Europe. What can this event offer you?
- Multiple opportunities of meeting experts in the energy sector and creating possible synergies.
- Dissemination of results from your successful EU-funded project.
- Learning from different outcomes from EU-funded projects in related fields.
- Pitching Sessions: The chance of presenting a project idea/proposal and finding potential partners.
This event aims to develop support programmes and schemes for energy-poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes to tackle energy poverty. It will bring together experts showcasing results and opportunities in the energy sector, sharing knowledge and lessons learned. In a separate Pitching Session participants will be able to present their project idea/proposal for 10 minutes and to find potential partners.
Do not miss this unique opportunity to learn about PowerPoor, learn more about other work done with European Union co-financing in the energy sector and build potential connections that will take your idea to the next level.
Register now in person for the event. We look forward to seeing you! Or join via Zoom to listen and ask questions by registering here.
You can download the agenda from here and the presentations from here.