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Energy Poverty and Energy Communities' status

Over 23% of the total population in Portugal lives in very poor conditions. The most relevant indicator is households’ inability to keep their homes adequately warm, with Portugal accounting for 20.4% in 2017, according to the EU Energy Poverty Observatory. 22% and 29% of the inhabitants are potentially energy poor in terms of meeting heating and cooling needs respectively of dwellings. According to OpenExp ‘European Energy Poverty Index’, Portugal ranks 4th among the worst, with a ‘very high’ level of energy poverty. Energy cooperatives in Portugal are promoted as a form of decentralized energy production owned by people.

At a glance

Why Potrugal?

Energy Supporters and Mentors in Portugal

POWERPOOR provides to everyone who is interested in alleviating energy poverty the opportunity to become an Energy Supporter and Mentor by taking part in training sessions. The content of the trainings is available in the POWERPOOR Online Trainer Library along with other interesting energy poverty related materials. There are various trainings taking place in the 8 pilot countries and in an EU level. Follow us on social media to find out more about the upcoming ones. 

6 trainings have taken place in Portugal. 101 people got trained and 46 of them followed the certification process and became POWERPOOR Energy Supporters or Mentors. You can find all the POWERPOOR certified Energy Supporters and Mentors here.

Energy Poverty Alleviation Offices in Portugal

In Portugal, 2 Energy Poverty Alleviation Offices have been established. One is in Ermesninde and the other one is in Mertola. The role of energy poverty alleviation offices can be found here.

portugal map

Other municipalities within the POWERPOOR network

In Portugal 5 municipalities are engaged. The municipalities are Sintra, Oeiras, Torres Vedras, Braga, and Portalegre.

Find out some key best practices from implementing the POWERPOOR appoach in Portugal. 

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